Newmarket Physio: Splinting Overview, and How to Use It as First Aid

Splinting is a type of treatment used to manage musculoskeletal injuries, particularly those that involve fractures in the arms and legs. Splinting immobilises the bone, which helps decrease pain and bleeding while preventing further injury. Splinting can be used as the lone treatment for certain injuries. Equipment Traditionally, the material used for splinting has been … Continue reading Newmarket Physio: Splinting Overview, and How to Use It as First Aid

3 Reasons To Stay In Grafton For Your Physio

Physio can be an exhausting process. It can help heal your body as well as your mind, improve your condition, or keep strong in spite of adversity. But there's no denying that proper physio is more effective than going around Auckland in your car, trying desperately to find the place you were planning to go, … Continue reading 3 Reasons To Stay In Grafton For Your Physio